Solar Panel Cleaning
Residential, Commercial, Multifamily
Why are clean solar panels important?
A study conducted at Google’s 1.6MW solar farm in Mountain View California, found dirty panels could suffer from decreased energy output of up to 25%. They also discovered that cleaning the panels was the “number one way to maximize the energy they produce.”
Our cleaning process
We use a soft bristled water fed brush head to agitate the dirt and debris from the solar panels glass and frames, then the panel is rinsed thoroughly and completely with purified deionized water. When the panel dries, it will be completely spot free and crystal clear!
Why deionized water?
Everyday water used from the spigot have small amounts of contaminates like sodium and calcium. While this is okay for drinking, it is the same minerals that leave water spots, streaks and residue on your solar panels, windows, and even your car. When water has been filtered through the deionization process, these same minerals are removed, ensuring a streak, spot and film free cleaning.
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Please fill out the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours.